At a glance

TNC prides itself on providing customers clear and attractive pictures of vintage merchandise to its customers.

In the scoping phase, beat competitors on both quality and scale.

TNC uses on 85% of items for sale.

We have reduced the amount of time spent processing images and resulted in cost-savings - chiefly on personnel hours.

" has been very useful for the products we use on a daily basis. It helped with workflow and productivity"

Lieke Pijpers

Lieke Pijpers

Founder of TheNextCloset

TheNextCloset (TNC) is an online marketplace for second-hand, female, designer fashion mainly sourced from the Benelux countries.

Shoppers love it due to the curated items and care and attention paid to authenticity and quality.

With sustainability at its heart, TNC’s mission is to make second-hand designer fashion the consumer’s first choice.

The Challenge

TNC wanted an automation solution to perfectly remove the background from its photos of its best clothing items.Up to that point, the production team had been removing backgrounds by hand. They found on Google and compared our software with a number of competitors’. beat competitors on both quality and scale.

The Work

TNC was happy with but the images weren’t perfect.

That is because of the content of the user-generated pictures. TNC does provide guidelines to sellers and also stipulates the format and size. But the company is ultimately not in control of what is uploaded.

Frequent challenges with background removal are that users include various elements in the pictures, such as hangers, mannequins, or even decoration. As a result, some parts were not removed along with backgrounds in processed images.

Despite guidelines, people also send pictures taken in low light or with distractions.

To help improve results, TheNextCloset and used data to improve the training of the AI. This led to a better success rate with their pictures (fewer background remnants) and better conversion rates in their shop.

The Result

TheNextCloset uses on about 85% of items for sale. As a result of the collaborative work and AI training, background removal overall is way faster and easier. Using significantly reduced the amount of time spent processing images and resulted in cost-savings - chiefly on personnel hours.

At the moment, delivers perfect results on 89% of the processed images. Through more AI training, we aim for further improvements and deliver 95% perfection results for TheNextCloset!

With original background
With background removed
Get in Touch With Us

We are here to help you better understand the benefits and implementation opportunities for your business.

Alex Lupascu

Alex Lupascu

Account Executive

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