Product Updates

Dec 14, 2020

Send Holiday Greetings with The New Christmas Card Maker

When you give a gift that you made yourself, it just means more. You know it, we know it, everybody knows it. So, we’re here to provide a little inspiration for that perfect unique gift that cannot be found in any store, but nonetheless, comes from the heart.

christmas card creator

Enter our brand new Christmas Card Maker. This holiday season, you only need 5 seconds to create a custom-made Christmas card that you can then send directly to your loved ones.

All you need to do is upload your photo, pick one of our Christmassy templates, and then write down your thoughts. Hit the download button, and there you have it: your very own Christmas Card, made in less than 5 seconds. A quick, personal, and sustainable way of sending best wishes to your loved ones this holiday season.

So, if you want to give something with meaning, don’t look in stores. Look inside. That’s where you’ll find the inspiration to craft a gift that is personal and comes from the heart.

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